Thursday, June 25, 2009

Wednesday, June 24

My brother Randy and his wife Barb both spent the night last night. The nurses did keep mom pretty sedated through the night to keep her comfortable because of the tube having to go back in.

I went up just before supper time, and my family said that she was pretty much sleeping most of the morning and she was just starting to wake up. She was awake when I came in.

My uncle Ken was there when I arrived, this is her brother, and when he decided to leave, my mom turned her head to watch him walk to the door where he stopped. He said goodbye from there and mom waved goodbye to him. Small but significant.

She did stay awake for quite awhile after that. When she tries to talk the machine goes off, nothing to be concerned about, but she wants to talk so bad!

I left and shortly after that I received a phone call from my brother Randy who was still up there. The nose and throat doctor came in and put a scope through her nose down to her throat to see the damage from the tube and said that it was pretty swelled up. He said that there is a balloon toward that bottom of the breathing tube and stops air from going around the tube or something like that. He wants to try and deflate that balloon on Friday and have her take some deep breaths and see if she can exhale with air actually coming out of her mouth. That would determine if her throat is still really swelled up or not. If she can't do that very well, then they will do a temporary trake (sp?) so she can breath and try to communicate better with us.

They did start her on a higher dose of blood thinner and will eventually start her on Cummodin for blood thinning.

She also tried to open her right eye again, but just didn't have the strength.

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