Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Tuesday, June 30

Day 13 -- WOW what a fantastic day. She had a good night the nurse said. My brother Randy went up there this morning and just kept calling me telling how good she was doing.

I got up there around 1pm with the kids, because she asked if I was bringing the kids, and she was almost herself if not better. She was talking pretty good and she stayed awake the whole afternoon so she could talk to the kids. She even sat with her glasses on and watched the Bee Movie with Samantha.

She got her feeding tube put back in and then they took her off oxygen. They will however put her back on it tonight while she sleeps. She said she was hungry and wanted one of the cookies that were up there but we had to tell her she couldn't have it just yet. We had to explain that her throat needed more time to heal before she can eat solid foods.

My kids and I had her almost laughing, she was smiling so much. She had a great sense of humor today she even made us laugh.

They sat her up in bed this morning and she could kick her legs quite a bit. She is able to move her arms quite well to get up to her face and wipe her nose or scratch her face.

So over all it was a fabulous day and I hope we continue to have more like it.

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