Saturday, June 20, 2009

Friday, June 19

She seemed to have had a good night, no changes, which is better than going backwards. My sister-in-law spent the night up there and was able to talk to the doctors and nurses as they came in and out.

I spent the day up there after picking up my dad, and there wasn't much change during most of the day.

They did start her on a feeding tube later in the afternoon and she is accepting that very well, which is real positive.

They did put a Pick line in her for ease of drawing blood, giving her meds and her IV. She won't get so many pokes now.

My sister and her family drove in from Pennsylvania and got here tonight around 7pm. Just before she came up to the hospital, they got my mom to cough and she lifted her head up and opened her eyes just slightly, but that is more than she had done in the last 36 hours. The nurse also asked her to move her left foot and she did. She didn't move her right one as good though, but that doesn't mean anything yet.

My brother is spending the night tonight. For awhile there will be someone up there at all times.

Please keep saying lots of prayers for her and our family. Thank you!

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